workers’ compensation News

California Judge Questions Lyft’s Refusal to Pay Drivers as Employees

Lyft Inc.’s practice of treating drivers as independent contractors was questioned by a federal judge who said that under California law they may be considered employees who would qualify for minimum wage and other benefits. A lawsuit by Lyft drivers …

Delaware OKs Decreases in WC Voluntary Loss Cost, Residual Market Rate

Delaware Insurance Commissioner Karen Weldin Stewart today announced the approval of the Delaware Compensation Rating Bureau’s (DCRB) workers’ compensation amended rate filing, resulting in overall average decreases of 9.7 percent in the residual market rate and 11.5 percent in the …

Kansas Businesses Support State Takeover of OSHA Enforcement

A proposal that the state take over enforcement of workplace safety rules from the federal government seems unlikely to pass this year but still has some support in the Kansas House. Republicans on the Senate Commerce Committee pulled back from …

Workers’ Comp Upheld for Maine Man Who Died on Treadmill

Maine’s highest court on Jan. 22 upheld workers’ compensation benefits for the widow of a Salvation Army portfolio manager who died from a heart attack on a treadmill while monitoring the financial markets on TV and internal email on his …

Maine Expresses Opposition to OSHA’s SHARP Program Changes

Maine’s Commissioner of Labor Jeanne Paquette said in a statement Wednesday that the state’s Department of Labor is opposed to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) changes to the Safety and Health Achievement Recognition Program award (SHARP). The SHARP …

Did New Mexico Court Open ‘Pandora’s Bong’ With Nod to Pot for Worker?

A can of worms has been opened, the horse is out of the barn and the industry is gazing into Pandora’s Box. There is no shortage of idioms for workers’ compensation experts who are concerned over a decision last week …

SASSI Introduces Workers’ Comp Coverage for Beauty Shops

The Salon and Spa Specialty Insurance agency (SASSI), is now offering workers’ compensation insurance coverage for salons, day spas, electrologists, beauty schools and barber shops. Available through RTW, Inc., the CompConnect program is available in most states. To meet the …

Work Comp Death Benefits Awarded to Husband of Oklahoma Beheading Victim

The husband of a woman who was beheaded last year at an Oklahoma food-processing plant has been awarded $100,000 in death benefits plus $418 a week for the rest of his life. The Oklahoman newspaper reports the benefits were approved …

WCIRB: Continued Increase in California Claim Frequency

Workers’ compensation indemnity claim frequency in California has continued to rise unlike in most other states, according to the California Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau. The WCIRB recently issued an update to its Analysis of Changes in Indemnity Claim Frequency …

Aon Sees Healthcare Workers’ Compensation Claims Dropping

Workers’ compensation costs and claims frequency in the healthcare sector are going down, according to a report that studied 1,1150 facilities in 11 states. Aon Risk Solutions’ Health Care Workers’ Compensation Barometer report projects that workers’ compensation loss rates and …