workers’ compensation News

Texas Officials Want Drug Database Moved from DPS

Some Texas lawmakers say prescription drugs can be bettered monitored by moving the state’s database out of the Department of Public Safety. House and Senate committees that studied the issue recommend that the State Board of Pharmacy take over the …

BTIS Expands Workers’ Compensation Program Nationwide

Builders & Tradesmen’s Insurance Services, Inc. (BTIS) has expanded its Victory Workers’ Comp program into all U.S. states except for Alaska, North Dakota, Ohio, Washington, and Wyoming. The program offers 10 percent commission, has no membership or broker fees, and …

Pennsylvania Store Manager Robbed at Gunpoint Wins Workers’ Comp

Is being robbed at gunpoint in a Pennsylvania state liquor store an “abnormal working condition” or not? Since 2008, Gregory Kochanowicz has claimed it is, and now that the Commonwealth Court agrees, he’s due to receive $727 in weekly workers’ …

Workers’ Comp Insurers Unfazed by TRIA Failure For Now But Expect Quick Fix

The expectation that the new Congress that convenes this week will act quickly to reauthorize the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act (TRIA) is keeping workers’ compensation insurers in particular from altering their behavior at least for now, according to insurance executives. …

Initial Unemployment Claims Rise in Louisiana

The state labor department says first-time claims for unemployment insurance in Louisiana for the week ending Dec. 20 increased to 2,531 from the previous week’s total of 2,506. For the comparable week a year earlier, there were 2,578 initial claims, …

Delaware Regulator Schedules Workers’ Comp Rate Hearing

Delaware Insurance Commissioner Karen Weldin Stewart announced that the state’s Department of Insurance has scheduled a public hearing for Jan. 12 and 13 to receive public comment on the proposed decrease in both the workers’ compensation voluntary market loss costs …

Most Popular Insurance Journal South Central Stories of 2014

Fraud, higher homeowners rates, fracking, and electronic traffic tickets are topics that drove readers to the following stories on in 2014. The following 10 stories led as the most popular picks by readers in the South Central region. Workers’ …

Most Popular Insurance Journal Midwest Stories of 2014

The most popular news stories in the Midwest ranged from groundbreaking lawsuits to research into making people safer from storms. With an understanding that stories appearing later in the year have less time to rise to the top of …

New Workers’ Comp Reimbursement Rules Take Effect In Michigan

Changes in how doctors are paid for treating some injured employees covered by workers’ compensation are expected to address the long-term use of pain relievers and help cut medical costs for Michigan job providers, according to state officials. The new …

Oregon Business Paying For Lack of Insurance

A garbage collection business that serves the Eastern Oregon community of Pilot Rock has been ordered to pay the state more than $75,000 for not providing workers’ compensation insurance. Owner and operator Randee McKague told the East Oregonian newspaper her …