workers’ compensation News

NFL Settles Dallas Cowboys Stadium Worker’s Injury Suit

The NFL says it has settled a lawsuit with a worker injured by ice and snow that fell from the roof of the Dallas Cowboys stadium during the week before the 2011 Super Bowl. NFL spokesman Brian McCarthy confirmed the …

Ohio Ranks 2nd in Job Gains for January

The U.S. Department of Labor says Ohio had the second-biggest job gains of any state in January, adding 16,700 positions. The January state employment report says 23 states reported more hiring for that month, while 27 said that the number …

Small Workers’ Comp Carrier Exits California

Public Service Mutual Insurance Co.’s exit from California’s workers’ compensation market isn’t a reflection of the health of the state’s workers’ comp system, according to the California Department of Insurance. The workers’ comp carrier is part of the Magna Carta …

Conn. Legislators Propose Workers’ Comp Coverage for Mental Trauma

The Newtown, Conn., Police officer who has not yet returned to work since the 2012 school massacre because of post-traumatic stress disorder urged Connecticut lawmakers on Tuesday to expand the state’s workers’ compensation law to cover the condition. Thomas Bean, …

Workers’ Comp Needs to Catch Up with Healthcare Changes: Economist Gruber

Workers’ compensation must align itself with the rest of the changing healthcare system to avoid increased cost-shifting by workers and medical providers, according to an economist involved in the Massachusetts and Obama administration healthcare reforms. Jonathan Gruber, professor of economics …

State Supreme Court Upholds Mutualization of Oklahoma’s CompSource

The Oklahoma Supreme Court has upheld a plan to convert the state workers’ compensation insurance provider into a mutual company. The state’s highest court handed down a decision on March 11 that affirms legislation adopted last year to convert CompSource …

Alaska Timber Insurance Exchange Gives $2.2M Dividend

The Board of Governors of the Alaska Timber Insurance Exchange, a policyholder-owned workers’ compensation insurance company, announced a $2.2 million dividend is being paid to its members. The dividend represents roughly 33 percent of ATIE’s 2013 direct premiums and it …

Cost Savings in California Workers’ Comp Reform May Fall Short

California’s sweeping workers’ compensation reform is working for the most part, but some of the savings may not materialize thanks to pressure on the system, according to Dave Bellusci, executive vice president, chief operating officer and chief actuary at the …

Williams Appointed Texas Regional VP for Patriot National Insurance

Florida-based workers’ compensation insurance provider, Patriot National Insurance Group Inc., appointed Colin B. Williams as Texas regional vice president. Williams will oversee all marketing and underwriting responsibilities for the company’s Texas region, and will be based at Patriot’s Texas regional …

Western N.Y. Man Accused of Faking Disability to Get Benefits

A western New York man says he’s been wrongly accused of faking a disability to obtain $9,000 a month in veterans’ and workers’ compensation benefits. Federal prosecutors in western New York announced fraud charges Feb. 28 against Richard Klaffka, of …