workers’ compensation News

Study: White Construction Workers in Illinois Get Higher Work Comp Settlements

White non-Hispanic construction workers are awarded higher workers’ compensation settlements in Illinois than Hispanic or black construction workers with similar injuries and disabilities, according to researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago School of Public Health. The disparity amounted …

Panel Upholds Reduced Workers’ Comp Award for Oklahoma Legislator

An appeals panel has upheld a controversial ruling that Oklahoma state Rep. Mike Christian is due workers’ compensation benefits for injuries he suffered in a 2009 traffic accident. The panel, however, cut the legislator’s award from $61,560 to $51,300. Christian, …

State Fund Chief Holds High Expectations for Calif. Workers’ Comp

If all goes well, workers’ compensation reform in California may yield even greater savings than originally believed. That is according to State Fund President and CEO Tom Rowe, who gave the keynote speech on Friday at the opening of the …

Survey: New Orleans Attracting More Tourists, Spending

A new survey finds New Orleans hosted 4.9 million visitors in the first half of 2012, a 2 percent increase over the same period in 2011, with spending increasing 11 percent to $3.45 billion The Advocate reports the survey was …

WCRI: N.Y. Workers’ Comp System Reforms Achieving Their Objectives

The workers’ compensation reforms enacted in New York in 2007 are beginning to achieve some of their objectives, according to a new study. The latest study from the Workers Compensation Research Institute (WCRI) shows that, in particular, the reforms are …

WC Wage Loss Dispute for S.C. Claimant Who Hopes to Start a Restaurant

An injured crane operator who expressed his aspiration to start a restaurant business got into a pickle during workers’ compensation proceedings — almost getting denied his wage loss claim, until the state’s highest court stepped in. The case involves South …

Paychex, Employers to Provide Work Comp to Small Businesses

EMPLOYERS has entered into an agreement with Paychex Insurance Agency, Inc. to provide small businesses the opportunity to acquire and pay for workers’ compensation insurance when they process payroll through Paychex. The program will be available in 2013 in all …

Kentucky Court: No WC Benefits for Unemployed Volunteer Firefighter

A Kentucky appellate court recently ruled that an injured volunteer firefighter is not eligible for permanent disability benefits because he had no “regular employment” — thus no average weekly wages with which to calculate the award.The ruling, announced last month, …

Southern California Educator Arrested For Workers’ Comp Fraud

A teaching assistant in Southern California has been arrested on several felony counts of workers’ compensation fraud. Gerard Padilla, 45, an employee of the Los Angeles County Office of Education, has been arrested and charged with five felony counts of …

NCCI Recommends Conn. WC Loss Costs and Rates Increases

The National Council on Compensation Insurance recently filed a proposal for workers’ comp loss costs and rates increases in Connecticut.The NCCI is proposing that the Connecticut regulators approve a +7.1 percent change to the current voluntary loss costs, which went …