workers’ compensation News

North Dakota Checking for Workers’ Comp, Licenses at Construction Sites

A state task force in North Dakota is conducting random compliance checks at various construction sites to see if contractors have the proper licensing, workers’ compensation insurance coverage and are complying with state tax and other regulations. Attorney General Wayne …

Colorado Workers’ Compensation Rates to Rise in 2012

Colorado employers will see an increase in workers’ compensation insurance premiums in 2012. The Colorado Division of Insurance announced that the “loss costs” component of workers’ compensation premiums will go up 3.7 percent in 2012. The 2012 increase follows an …

Louisiana’s Medical Treatment Guidelines Working, Agency Says

The Louisiana Workforce Commission says implementation of medical treatment guidelines for workers’ compensation is saving money. The LWC says about $2.5 million in potential litigation costs have already been saved since the guidelines went into effect on July 15. The …

Ohio Public Employer Workers’ Comp Rates Falling

Ohio’s 3,900 public employer taxing districts will pay an estimated $22 million less for workers’ compensation coverage next year following tadecision by the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (BWC) Board of Directors to lower overall rates five percent beginning Jan. …

Ohio Businesses Awarded More Than $200K for Workplace Safety

The Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (BWC) reported that 10 Ohio businesses received more than $217,000 in safety intervention grants in September to improve workplace safety. The Safety Intervention Grant program is designed to assist Ohio employers in reducing illness …

Alabama Regulators Call for Hearing on Proposed Workers’ Comp Rate Decrease

Alabama regulators are preparing to hold a public hearing on a proposed statewide average 9.3 percent decrease in the state’s workers’ compensation rates. The National Council on Compensation Insurance submitted the filing earlier this year, which calls for the sixth …

California Supreme Court Denies Petition on Ogilvie

The California Supreme Court on Wednesday rejected San Francisco’s petition for review on Wednesday of the First District Court of Appeal’s decision in the Ogilvie case. The First District’s decision supports a decision by the Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board that …

Oklahoma Attorney Pleads Guilty to $1M Workers’ Comp Fraud Case

A longtime Tulsa, Okla., criminal defense attorney has pleaded guilty in Tulsa County District Court for his role in helping embezzle more than $1 million from clients, Attorney General Scott Pruitt said. Fred Schraeder, 61, entered a guilty plea to …

Louisiana Ranks Third in Job Growth Numbers in September

Louisiana’s jobs gain in September ranked third in the country, according to the federal Bureaus of Labor Statistics. Louisiana added 14,100 nonfarm jobs in September, behind only Florida (23,300) and Texas (15,400), according to seasonally adjusted totals included in BLS’s …

Accident Fund Will Cover Comp Claim for Joplin Tornado Survivor

Michigan-based Accident Fund Insurance Company of America now says it will honor the workers’ compensation claims for a man injured during the tornado outbreak in Joplin, Mo., earlier this year. Mark Lindquist, a social worker, nearly gave his life trying …