workers’ compensation News

Work-Related Fatalities Decreased in Texas in 2010

Texas recorded a preliminary total of 456 work-related fatalities in 2010, a 5 percent decrease compared to the revised 2009 total of 482 fatalities, the Texas Department of Insurance, Division of Workers’ Compensation (TDI-DWC) reported. A preliminary total of 4,547 …

NFIB, EMPLOYERS Expand WC Program to Eight Additional States

The National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) has extended its discounted workers’ compensation coverage benefits to its members in Colorado, Maryland, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Kansas, Arkansas and New Mexico through EMPLOYERS. Based on the latest expansion, EMPLOYERS offers NFIB members …

Despite National Recession, South Dakota Sees Growth

Agriculture and manufacturing have spurred the South Dakota economy to moderate prosperity in the backwash of the national recession. Gains on the farm and in some factories have offset soft times in housing and the financial industry, resulting in almost …

Workplace Deaths Drop 25% in Missouri

Fewer people are dying on the job in Missouri. The Department of Labor announced that there were 107 fatal work injuries in 2010 in Missouri, down 25 percent from 2009. Sixty of the victims died after being struck by vehicles. …

Program to Lower Workers’ Comp Rates for New Employers in Ohio Approved

The Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (BWC) board of directors has approved the creation of Grow Ohio, a program targeted toward job creation by lowering workers’ comp costs for employers new to Ohio, agency announced. The program could reduce premiums …

Workers’ Compensation Rate Hike for Oregon

The Department of Consumer and Business Services announced the pure premium rate for workers’ compensation will increase 1.9 percent starting in 2012, the first rate hike in Oregon in more than 20 years. The decision on the rate hike, based …

Ohio Workers’ Comp Bureau: Lower Rates for Public Employers Proposed

Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (BWC) Administrator/CEO Stephen Buehrer has proposed an overall five percent decrease in rates for public employer taxing districts (PEC). The reduction would be effective Jan. 1, 2012. If approved by the board of directors, the …

Penn. State Workers’ Insurance Fund Provides Relief to Policyholders

The Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry announced relief measures for State Workers’ Insurance Fund (SWIF) policyholders affected by flooding caused by Tropical Storm Lee. “Helping employers rebuild is an important part of the state’s economic recovery,” Department Secretary Julia …

Jones Explains New California Workers’ Comp Calculations at Public Hearing

California Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones explained during a public hearing in Sacramento on Tuesday why the Workers Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau is restructuring how the state’s workers’ compensation pure premium rate is calculated, a move that was supported by the …

Workplace Fatalities Decline in Virginia

The number of workplace fatalities in Virginia last year fell to the lowest level since the state began reporting such data in 1992. The number of fatalities fell to 104 from 119 in 2009. The state Department of Labor and …