workers’ compensation News

Wash. Lawmakers Continue to Struggle on Workers’ Comp Deal

Leading Washington lawmakers are struggling to find a compromise that would alter the state’s workers’ compensation system and help seal a budget agreement. Negotiators emerged from a 45-minute, closed-door meeting May 18, 2011, afternoon with little progress to report. It …

West Virginia Seeks Bids on Workers’ Compensation for State Agencies

West Virginia is prepared to solicit bids from workers’ compensation insurers to provide coverage for its state employees. The West Virginia insurance department is scheduled to post the request for proposals on its website on Monday, May 23. The winning …

Vermont Companies Lauded for Workplace Safety

Several Vermont companies have received recognition for their commitment to workplace safety, with King Arthur Flour of Norwich taking the top award for large companies. Ryegate Associates in East Ryegate and Curtis Lumber Co. of Burlington took awards in the …

Calif. Workers’ Comp Bureau Declines Again to Make Mid-Year Filing

The Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau of California’s Governing Committee has decided, again, not to make a mid-year rate filing. At its April 6, 2011 meeting, the WCIRB Governing Committee directed the WCIRB to submit to the California Department of …

Missouri Employers Mutual Puts CEO Wilson on Leave

Missouri Employers Mutual Insurance Co. has put its president and CEO, former Gov. Roger Wilson, on administrative leave. Board Chairman Jim Owen will head the firm on an interim basis, the company reported. Headquartered in Columbia, Mo., MEM is the …

Calif. Workers’ Comp Premium Written Edges Up to $7.1B

California workers’ compensation insurers’ total direct written premium (DWP) rose 3.1 percent to $7.1 billion last year, according to data from the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) posted by the California Department of Insurance, the California Workers’ Compensation Institute …

Illinois Workers’ Comp Commission Adds Rascia, Kimmet

The Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission announced that Ron Rascia has joined the organization as legal counsel and Mark Kimmet has been named internal auditor. Rascia previously worked for the Illinois Attorney General for nine years as a supervising attorney in …

Washington Labor & Industries Dept. Closes Northeast Office

Citing a steady decline in workload due to the poor economy in Northeast Washington, the state Department of Labor & Industries announced that it will close its service location in Colville, Wash., on May 27. The Colville office is one …

Calif. Assembly Bans Workers’ Comp Cuts Due to Race, Sex

California’s Assembly approved changes to the state’s safety net for injured workers that would prevent cuts to disability benefits based on race, sex or age. The 44-22 party-line vote on AB1155 came over the objections of Republican lawmakers. They said …

Business Lobby Gets Mixed Results in Missouri Legislature

Missouri Republicans came into this year’s legislative session with historic majorities and a pledge to push a pro-business agenda they said would improve the state’s economy and lower its stubbornly high unemployment rate. But businesses had gotten only mixed results …