workers’ compensation News

Interpreter Lien Claimant Must Prove Its Services Were Necessary

To provide medical treatment to an injured worker, an employer must provide reasonably required interpreter services if the injured worker is unable to speak, understand or communicate in English. However an interpreter medical lien claimant has the burden of proving …

Ohio Doctor’s Office Raided in Crackdown on Drug Abuse in Comp System

As part of an investigation into prescription drug abuse in the state, Ohio law enforcement officials and workers’ compensation bureau investigators have conducted a raid on the offices of a doctor in the state’s workers’ compensation system. Ohio officials previously …

Missouri Senate Endorses Workers’ Comp Changes

Missouri senators have given first-round approval to legislation that restricts employees from suing co-workers over injuries incurred on the job. The legislation also expressly states that occupational diseases, such as health problems associated with asbestos exposure in a workplace, are …

Oklahoma Lawmaker Wants Study of Possible Dual Workers’ Comp Systems

Oklahoma State Rep. Joe Dorman wants to study an idea brought to him by a constituent that the lawmaker said could lead to significant workers’ compensation reform and help boost business growth and economic development in the state. “A constituent …

Washington Governor Signs Bill to Improve Workers’ Comp System

Washington Gov. Chris Gregoire has signed a workers’ compensation bill that supporters say will save $218 million over the next four years. She signed Senate Bill 5801, which directs the Department of Labor and Industries to create a statewide provider …

Business Lobby Critical of GOP Immigration Measure in Oklahoma

A quiet campaign by Oklahoma’s business community to head off tough new immigration legislation is causing an angry rift among Republicans in the Legislature, some of whom charge that voters’ desire for more action to curb illegal workers is being …

Workers’ Comp Reform Package Approved by Full Oklahoma Senate

The full Oklahoma Senate has approved Senate Bill 878, a workers’ compensation bill authored by Sen. Patrick Anderson, R-Enid, and Sen. Anthony Sykes, R-Moore, the Senate announced. The bill was crafted in coordination with Governor Mary Fallin’s Workers’ Compensation Study …

Illinois House Orders Workers’ Comp Audit for State Employees

The state auditor general will be sent a resolution approved by the Illinois House ordering an audit of Illinois’ workers’ compensation program. The Bellville News-Democrat reports that the Illinois House voted 111-0 on Mar. 10 for an audit of the …

Rhode Island Attorney General Opposes Workers’ Comp Rate Hike

Rhode Island Attorney General Peter F. Kilmartin said he opposed a 3.9 percent workers’ comp rate hike being sought by the National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI) for the state. NCCI’s calculations call for a 3.9 percent increase for advisory …

Calif. State Fund Investigation Closed

The Joint Task Force comprised of the California Highway Patrol (CHP), the California Department of Insurance (CDI) and San Francisco District Attorney’s Office has reportedly completed its four-year investigation of former California State Compensation Insurance Fund employees and directors. In …