workplace stress News

Employers and Employees: How to Avoid a Burnout Crisis

In a more typical time, burnout is an exception. In the era of COVID, it almost feels like the norm. According to Jennifer Moss, organizations should take a hard look in the mirror for fostering cultures of overwork that make …

As Employees Have Stressed Out During Pandemic, Many Employers Have Stepped Up

The coronavirus pandemic has put millions of Americans out of work. But many of those still working are fearful, distressed and stretched thin. A quarter of U.S. workers say they have even considered quitting their jobs as worries related to …

Young Employees Most Stressed by Pandemic’s Lack of People Connection

The coronavirus pandemic has taken its toll, particularly on younger employees. Gen Z employees – those born starting in 1995 – were three times more likely than all other employees since the pandemic started to have sought professional help for …

Employees Find Vacation Benefits Short-Lived, Don’t Offset Stressful Work Culture

Taking time off helps the majority of U.S. workers recover from stress and experience positive effects that improve their well-being and job performance, but for nearly two-thirds of working adults, the benefits of time away dissipate within a few days, …

Worked to Death? Employees with Little Control Over Their Work Die Younger

Previous academic research has found that having greater control over their job can help people manage work-related stress. But it’s never suggested that it was a matter of life and death — until now. New research from the Indiana University …