workplace News

French Regulator Fines Amazon for ‘Intrusive’ Staff Surveillance

French regulator CNIL said on Tuesday it had fined Amazon France Logistique 32 million euros ($35 million) for what the CNIL said was an “excessively intrusive” surveillance system set up to monitor the performance of staff. The CNIL said indicators …

Spanish Court Rules Facebook Moderator Suffered Work-Related Mental Trauma

A Spanish court has ruled a former Facebook moderator’s mental health was damaged by his work reviewing graphic content such as beheadings, in a case that could have implications for how social media firms work with moderators. The Barcelona court, …

Women in Finance Criticize City of London’s ‘Tokenistic’ Diversity Efforts

Testimonies from 40 women across banking, insurance, and asset management in Britain describe diversity and inclusion initiatives as often “tokenistic,” and lacking the “teeth” to make a change in an industry where misogynistic attitudes linger. The summary of a private …

Ex UK Goldman Sachs Manager Seeks $1.27M Over Harm From ‘Dysfunctional’ Workplace

A former senior Goldman Sachs manager is seeking around 1.0 million pounds ($1.27 million) from the Wall Street bank in London over allegations that bullying and a dysfunctional workplace destroyed his physical and psychological health. Ian Dodd, a 55-year-old former …

Hong Kong Employees Demand 6% Raise to Work in Office Full Time

Hong Kong workers say they would need a 6% raise to give up hybrid work arrangements, a dilemma that’s expected to prompt more companies to reduce space and dampen office rents, according to a survey. More than half of respondents …

US Workplace Stress at All Time High, Survey Says

Stress at work has reached epidemic proportions and shows little decline in 2023, according to the American Psychological Association’s “Work in America Survey: Workplaces as Engines of Psychological Health & Wellbeing.” The national survey found that 77% of U.S. workers …

Some UK Financial Services Firms Keep Flexible Working to Boost Women in Workforce

As firms across the City of London consider clamping down on working from home, Schroders Plc is sticking to its policy of letting workers decide how much time they spend in the office. “Flexible working provides a strong link to …

Harassment of Women in Financial Services Eclipses Other Industries: Aviva CEO Blanc

Amanda Blanc, the CEO of insurer Aviva, told British lawmakers on Wednesday that physical and verbal harassment of women in financial services eclipsed other industries and that she had heard “absolutely appalling” stories. Blanc, giving evidence to the Treasury Committee …

Fewer Than 10% of CEOs in Britain’s Largest Companies Are Women

Even as Britain’s largest companies are hiring women in executive leadership roles at the fastest pace in five years, there’s a big hurdle to cross: they are still unlikely to be in influential roles overseeing the commercial side of the …

Financial Services Firms Acknowledge ‘Awful’ Culture in UK Sexism Inquiry

Representatives from finance firms across the City of London said more work was needed to tackle gaping gender disparities in the industry, even after companies have made gains in the past five years. Trade groups representing hedge funds, banks and …