World Trade Center News


Hospitality Mutual Insurance Co. in Westborough, Mass., named John W. Tympanick president and chief executive officer. He has also been appointed to the company’s board of directors. Hospitality Mutual, a mutual insurance company serving the hospitality industry, replaced the Liquor …

Construction Worker Deaths Fell in NYC in 2007

Construction deaths fell by nearly half in New York City last year after spiking the year before, according to a federal report released Monday. The Bureau of Labor Statistics figures came amid heightened concern about construction safety after a spate …

US Credit Crisis Threatens New Orleans’ Recovery

A prolonged recession and a tight credit market would cripple New Orleans’ still-fragile recovery from Hurricane Katrina, delaying or eliminating road work, new construction and repairs to homes and businesses that have stood empty since 2005. The city’s infrastructure plans …

Technology: A Brave New World

Agents Must Expand Their Technology Horizon to Exploit the ‘Value Gap’ MarketScout presented its second eInsurance Symposium in Dallas, Texas, in September 2008. The symposium was preceded by hurricane Ike by a day and then the conference was held during …

Congress Shelves 9/11 Workers’ Long-Term Care Bill

Congress has shelved a $10.9 billion bill to provide health care for ground zero workers, partly due to opposition from New York City officials. Mayor Michael Bloomberg objected to a provision in the bill that would have required the city …

U.S. Looks to Former Allstate CEO Liddy to Run AIG

The U.S. government is betting former Allstate chief Edward M. Liddy is the safest pair of hands to oversee the dismantling of American International Group Inc. and prevent further unraveling of the world’s stressed financial system. Liddy, 62, was the …

Former New York Regulator Pietroluongo Joins Cambridge Group

A longtime veteran of the New York State Department of Insurance, Louis “Lou” Pietroluongo, has been tapped as vice president of Business Relations for The Cambridge Group headed by Barry Goldwater, Jr., president. During his service with the New York …

Reinsurers Seeking Sidecars to Ride Out Next Big Storm

As Hurricane Ike takes aim at the Gulf of Mexico, triggering memories of 2005’s devastating storms, reinsurers see temporary underwriting vehicles as the solution to their capital needs in the event of “the Big One” — a disaster costing them …

Manhattan College Disaster Center to Open in 9/11 Firefighter’s Name

A center that studies emergency responses to disasters like the Sept. 11 attacks and Hurricane Katrina is opening at a Manhattan college. The Christian Regenhard Center for Emergency Response Studies is named after a 28-year-old firefighter killed at the World …

Charleston, South Carolina Fire Trial Date could be Delayed

A judge has set a preliminary trial date for lawsuits filed by families of eight of the nine Charleston, South Carolina firefighters killed in a June 2007 furniture store fire. Circuit Judge Markley Dennis on July 31 set a preliminary …