World Weather Attribution News

Climate Change Blamed on Deadly Heat Wave in Mexico, Southwest US

Human-caused climate change dialed up the thermostat and turbocharged the odds of this month’s killer heat that has been baking the Southwestern United States, Mexico and Central America, a new flash study found. Sizzling daytime temperatures that triggered cases of …

Climate Change Made Recent UK and Ireland Storms Much Worse

The heavy downpours seen in the UK and Ireland last fall and winter were about 20% worse because of climate change, a new scientific report found. The region saw as many as 14 severe storms between October and March, flooding …

Climate Change Drives Amazon Rainforest’s Record Drought: Study

Climate change is the main culprit for a record drought in the Amazon rainforest that has drained rivers, killed endangered dolphins and upended life for millions of people in the region, according to a study released on Wednesday. Global warming …

Study Shows Climate Change Made Droughts More Likely in 2022

Climate change made droughts in the Northern Hemisphere droughts more likely this year, a new study by a team of U.S. and international scientists shows. The scientists, part of World Weather Attribution, a group that studies links between extreme weather …

Climate Change Exacerbated Deadly Floods in South Africa: Study

South Africa’s deadliest floods in almost three decades was exacerbated by climate change and similarly heavy rainfall can be expected to occur more regularly, according to scientists collaborating under the World Weather Attribution initiative. Rainfall in the southeastern KwaZulu-Natal province …

Climate Change Exacerbates Africa Cyclones: Study

Extreme rainfall in southeast Africa has become heavier and more likely to occur during cyclones because of climate change, according to a new analysis released Monday [April 11] by an international team of weather scientists. Multiple tropical storms that pummeled …

Climate Swat Team Aims to Identify When Global Warming Causes Extreme Weather

When weather disaster strikes, observers near and far ask the same question: Climate changeβ€”is it or isn’t it? The simplest answer, yes, lacks specificity. All weather is a joint human-nature venture, because we’ve made the atmosphere hotter than it’s been …

Climate Change Exacerbated Germany’s Deadly Floods: Report

The heavy rains and floods that killed at least 220 people in Belgium and Germany this summer were made more likely and more intense by climate change. These are the conclusions of a rapid attribution report put together in just …