WTO News

House Lawmakers Reach Deal on Russia Trade Pact, Rights Bill

The top Republican and Democrat on the House of Representatives Ways and Means Committee said on Thursday they had reached a deal to move forward on Russian trade legislation, including human rights provisions opposed by Moscow. “I am pleased that …

Russia Backs WTO Entry; U.S. Friction Persists

Russia’s upper house of parliament voted on Wednesday to ratify entry into the World Trade Organization, and now only the signature of President Vladimir Putin is needed to complete the country’s 18-year bid to join the trade rules club. Russia …

Senate Panel Approves Russia Trade, Human Rights Bill

The Senate Finance Committee on Wednesday unanimously approved a bill to ensure U.S. exporters share in the benefits of Russia’s accession to the World Trade Organization but also to punish Russian officials for human rights violations. The legislation still faces …

Russian Lawmakers Ratify WTO Entry

Russian lawmakers voted on Tuesday to ratify accession to the World Trade Organization, bringing the world’s largest country into the club that sets global trade rules after a tortuous 18-year negotiating marathon. The lower house vote, carried by a majority …

U.S. Eyes WTO Services Pacts Amid Doha Stall

The United States is making a push for a group of countries within the World Trade Organization to start talks to liberalize trade in services, even if big developing countries like China, India and Brazil don’t want to join, U.S. …

WTO Risks its Future by Keeping Doha Talks Alive

The 153 members of the World Trade Organization agree on two things: We’re in a hole. And we must keep digging. The hole is the Doha Development Round, a decade-old negotiation that was billed as the next stage of trade …

WTO approves Russia’s Membership after Marathon Meeting

Russia was admitted into the World Trade Organization on Friday after 18 years of negotiation, finally binding it into the global economy two decades after the Soviet Union collapsed. Russia’s $1.9 trillion economy was the largest outside the WTO, and …

Latest Analysis Concludes Foreign Insurers Missing Out on China Party

Ten years ago, foreign insurers were lining up to celebrate China’s entry into the World Trade Organization, eager to tap what was certain to become the world’s next big insurance frontier. A decade on, it is mainly the local insurers …

Australia Urges Breaking up Doha Round into Smaller Pacts

Australia wants World Trade Organization members to recognize that reaching a comprehensive deal in decade-old world trade talks has become impossible and to focus instead on a series of smaller pacts, the country’s top trade official said on Wednesday. “We …

US, EU, Japan Press China on Financial Services Reform at WTO

The United States criticized China on Monday for failing to fulfill World Trade Organization commitments to open its financial services market, while the European Union and Japan pressed for answers on specific areas of Beijing’s regulations. “While we welcome China’s …