WTO News

EU Says Doha Deal Could Boost World Exports by $505 Billion, If Revived

Moribund talks for a global accord to open up trade could boost world exports by more than half a trillion dollars a year if they were revived and completed, lifting global economic growth by 0.2 percent, an EU report said …

WTO’s Lamy Sees Paralysis in Global Trade Talks

The head of the World Trade Organization castigated its 153 members on Tuesday for failing to agree a watered-down global trade deal by December and called for “an adult conversation” over what to do next. “What we are seeing today …

U.S. Defends Doha Trade Strategy after Zoellick Barbs

President Barack Obama’s administration on Tuesday fired back at World Bank President Robert Zoellick’s criticism that it has not done enough to bring the nearly decade-old Doha round of world trade talks to a successful close. “Our goal has been …

U.S. Considers Removing All Tariffs for Poor Nations

The U.S. government said on Friday it is investigating the probable economic effects of eliminating all tariffs and quotas on goods from the world’s least-developed countries (LDCs). The U.S. International Trade Commission said it would report its findings to the …

EU Urges Tariff Standstill as Doha Round Down Payment

World Trade Organization members should agree to a standstill on tariffs in December as a down payment toward a larger deal in long-running world trade talks, the top EU official said Tuesday. EU Trade Commissioner Karel De Gucht told reporters …

ICC Denounces Growing Protectionist Trend in G20 Countries

The Paris-based International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has issued a statement urging G20 leaders to “keep markets open to trade, following worrying results from a recently released WTO-OECD-UNCTAD report that G20 countries are increasing protectionist measures.” The joint report by …

APEC Members Want to Salvage WTO Talks, Says U.S. Trade Rep

Asia Pacific trade ministers agreed Thursday not to give up on ailing world trade talks but to work over the next seven months on the best way to “salvage” a deal, U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk said. “While it was …

WTO’s Lamy: Nobody Wants Doha Trade Talks to Fail

Countries locked in long-running trade talks do not want the so-called Doha round to fail but may not have the political will to agree on how to cut industrial tariffs, the World Trade Organization (WTO) said on Thursday. “What members …

More to Explore for Doha World Trade Deal, EU Says

The European Union presented world trade negotiators with a last-minute plan to rescue stalled free trade talks on Friday, saying there were still avenues of negotiation to explore after 10 years of trying. In a presentation to a key meeting …

WTO Faces Tough Choices after Latest Doha Round Setback

World Trade Organization members face a somber Easter Sunday because of a fight over manufacturing trade between the United States and major emerging economies like China, India and Brazil that could finally kill 10-year-old world trade talks. WTO Director General …