Wyoming News

My New Markets

Trucking Auto Physical Damage Nuts & Bolts: AIX Group Inc., a specialty insurance holding company, has formed a new program to provide automobile physical damage coverage to commercial trucking operations. This program will be targeting operations with above average loss …

New Markets

Trucking Auto Physical Damage Nuts & Bolts: AIX Group Inc., a specialty insurance holding company, has formed a new program to provide automobile physical damage coverage to commercial trucking operations. This program will be targeting operations with above average loss …

New Markets

Monoline Energy Accounts Nuts & Bolts: MarketScout launched a new exclusive monoline energy workers’ compensation program that accepts most class codes related to the energy industry, including operations “over the hole” and USL&H exposures. Dollars: Statutory and $1 million employers’ …

New Markets

Hospitality Program Nuts & Bolts: Underwriters at PLIS are offering The Hospitality program, written on Lloyd’s paper covering named perils ranging from Aeromonas hydrophila to Yersinia enterocolotica. The policy has the benefit of: a “trade name trigger;” up to 25 …

New Markets

N.J. Coastal Property Nuts & Bolts: McSweeny Agency of New Jersey is offering coverage on boardwalk stores, ocean front, bay front, condos, dwellings, and seasonal commercial properties. Dollars: $100,000 to $1 million. Carrier: Rated “A+” by A.M. Best. Non-admitted. States: …

The Commissioners: Sandy Praeger

The state of Kansas is examining several key areas of concern in 2007 including the uninsured motorist population, health care for small businesses, rating, federal health insurance iniatives and more. Insurance Commissioner Sandy Praeger met with the Insurance Journal at …

It Figures

2,700 The world’s largest kosher slaughterhouse is recalling about 2,700 pounds of potentially underprocessed frankfurters shipped to New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania, company and federal officials said. Agriprocessors Inc., based in Postville in northeast Iowa, is ac-cepting returns on …

New Markets

Trucking Nuts & Bolts: AIX Group, Inc., a specialty insurance holding company, has formed a program to provide automobile physical damage coverage to commercial trucking operations. This program will be targeting operations with above average loss experience and fleets between …

New Markets

Long Haul Trucking Program Nuts & Bolts: M.J. Hall and Co. Inc. has a program for long haul truckers garaged in California. It covers liability, physical damage, cargo and trucker’s general liability. The program also covers: Ag haulers, intermodal operations, …

Sandy Praeger, Kansas, Commissioner of Insurance

The state of Kansas is examining several key areas of concern in 2007 including the uninsured motorist population, health care for small businesses, rating, federal health insurance iniatives and more. Insurance Commissioner Sandy Praeger met with the Insurance Journal at …