Wyoming News

Tornados foretell things to come

As emergency planners and hurricane experts from across the U.S. met in April to plan and prepare for the hurricane season, the timing couldn’t have been better, as massive twisters roared down “tornado alley” through Tennessee, Kentucky and even threatened …

Senate Republicans Fail Again in Efforts to Cap Medical Malpractice Awards

Senate Republican leaders have again failed in their efforts to place limits on medical malpractice pain and suffering awards. Senate Democrats successfully stymied two Republican bills, one a broad bill affecting medical malpractice claims against all providers and the other, …

Editor’s Note: Tornados foretell things to come

As emergency planners and hurricane experts from across the U.S. met in April to plan and prepare for the hurricane season, the timing couldn’t have been better, as massive twisters roared down “tornado alley” through Tennessee, Kentucky and even threatened …

New Markets

HO-3 Homeowners in Texas Nuts & Bolts: The Republic Group, based in Dallas, introduced a new Homeowners Form 3 product in Texas. The company said the HO-3 is modeled after the ISO Homeowner form and is an all-perils product with …

W.Va. Officials, Cline, McGraw Oppose Federal Insurance Proposal

Two state officials in Charleston, W.Va. say state insurance requirements would be undermined by federal legislation that would give small businesses greater flexibility in offering health insurance to employees. The legislation would allow small companies to join together, based on …

Conn. Doctors Hit Policy Exclusions for Alcohol-Related Injuries

Eight years ago, then-18-year-old Oliver Bishop IV made a costly mistake. The Guilford, Conn. teen bought a case of beer and a half-pint of liquor and visited numerous parties. Though he had a designated driver that night, Bishop still got …

Southeast states lagging in legal system fairness rankings by Chamber of Commerce

Southeast states didn’t fare well in the latest U.S. Chamber of Commerce ranking of states’ civil justice systems. North Carolina came in as number 10 in the top 10 favorites; while West Virginia was at the bottom of the list. …

Western Insurance Associations: How the West is run

Editor’s note: This is the second article in a series on Western insurance associations. Part I of this article appeared in the April 3, 2006, western region publication beginning on page 47. As people migrate to the West, insurers’ must …

New Markets

Excess Auto Liability Nuts & Bolts: Freberg Environmental Inc. has announced an excess automobile liability program. The program is designed to provide excess limits more than FEI’s hazardous material and hazardous waste trucking program with Arch Insurance Group. The Arch …

Northeast states fair well in legal system fairness rankings by Chamber of Commerce

Northeast states fared fairly well in the latest U.S. Chamber of Commerce ranking of states’ civil justice systems, with several in the top 10 favorites. The survey ranks states from best to worst on legal fairness based on a survey …