Wyoming News

W. Va. Gov. Signs Federal Disaster Declaration

Gov. Bob Wise has signed an agreement between the state and the Federal Emergency Management Agency, allowing aid to begin flowing to the West Virginia residents affected by the recent floods. “This is a continuation of the excellent working relationship …

W. Va. WCC Files Suit for More Than $250,000 Against Eight State Employers

West Virginia’s Workers’ Compensation Commission recently filed injunctions against eight state employers whose accounts with the Commission are reportedly in default. Injunctions were filed in Kanawha County Circuit Court against the following: * CBS Inc., a Kanawha County carpet sales …

W. Va. Gov. Reports Disaster Declaration Approved

Gov. Bob Wise on Tuesday announced that a federal Major Disaster Declaration for West Virginia has been granted by the President because of recent severe flooding in the state. “I thank the President for granting this declaration,” Wise said. “Now …

Wyoming Med-Mal Rates on the Rise

Medical malpractice insurance rates are on the rise in Wyoming, and lawmakers anticipate being called into a special legislative session this summer to address the issue. The Doctors Co., which insures about 30 percent of Wyoming’s doctors, was granted an …


The Association of Wyoming Insurance Agents will hold its 50th annual convention from June 16-18 at the Holiday Inn in Sheridan, WY. The conference will feature six hours of CE credits on June 17, while June 18 will give agents …

Summer Means Wild Weather in Some Western States

Summer is here and with it comes unstable weather conditions that can cause problems for consumers and agents alike in some parts of the United States. As if ushering in the season, insurers and insurance organizations are busy issuing reminders …

W. Va. Gov. Seeks Federal Disaster Declaration

Gov. Bob Wise has sent a letter to President Bush asking for a major disaster declaration for 24 West Virginia counties following floods that caused significant damage during the Memorial Day weekend. “These counties were hit hard by our recent …

W. Va. Gov. Tours Flood Damaged Region, Expects Federal Help for Suffering Residents

West Virginia Gov. Bob Wise on Tuesday told emergency officials in flood-damaged southern West Virginia that he is confident the federal government will authorize disaster relief money to help residents who have suffered significant flood damage. “Our goal is to …

Reaction Mixed to Idea of Special Session in Wyoming

Calling a special session to deal with rising medical malpractice insurance rates could be risky if nothing comes out of it, those involved in the debate said May 28. Legislative leaders opted to vote on whether to reconvene in Cheyenne …

AWIA to Hold 50th Annual Convention

The Association of Wyoming Insurance Agents will hold its 50th annual convention from June 16-18 at the Holiday Inn in Sheridan, Wyo. The conference will feature six hours of CE credits on Thursday, June 17, while Friday, June 18 will …