Yeager Airport News

West Virgina Airport Awarded $14.8M in Runway Overrun Collapse Suit

A settlement has been reached in a lawsuit over the 2015 landslide that collapsed a runway safety overrun at Yeager Airport in Charleston, West Virginia. The Charleston Gazette-Mail reports Yeager officials say the airport was awarded $14.8 million in the …

Court Asked to Dimiss Spill Claims Against West Virginia Airport, Chemical Producer

An airport and a chemical producer want claims dismissed in a lawsuit partly targeting them over a January chemical spill. In U.S. District Court in Charleston, Yeager Airport filed a motion last week to dismiss claims in the wide-spanning lawsuit. …

Lawsuit Blames West Virginia Airport for Role in Chemical Spill

A federal lawsuit blames a Charleston airport runway project for the January chemical spill that left 300,000 residents without clean water for days. The lawsuit says Yeager Airport’s completed runway extension never safeguarded against stormwater runoff. In court papers filed …