Yemen war News

International Shipping Lanes Could Be at Risk from Escalating Yemen Conflict

Missile attacks from Yemen on Western military craft risk spilling over into nearby busy sea lanes which could disrupt oil supplies and also other vital goods passing through the tense area, shipping and insurance sources say. While shipping companies have …

Iran Flexes Military Muscle in Persian Gulf, Amid Rising Tensions

With tensions over its roles in Yemen, Iraq and Syria already high, Iran is flexing its military muscle in the Persian Gulf. For the third time in as many weeks, Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps patrol boats have fired at or …

Iranian Boats Fired Shots Across Bow of Singapore-Flagged Ship in Persian Gulf

Four Iranian patrol boats fired warning shots across the bow of a Singapore-flagged merchant ship in the Persian Gulf on Thursday before it escaped into the territorial waters of the United Arab Emirates, according to the U.A.E.’s coast guard. “The …

Growing Yemen War Risk Threatens Vital Sea Routes; Premiums Likely to Jump

With Middle East giants Saudi Arabia and Iran squaring up on opposing sides in the Yemen war, the dangers to vital oil tanker and goods voyages are growing daily. Millions of barrels of oil pass through the Bab el-Mandeb and …