your sales iq News

My Favorite Underwriters

The Importance Of Sales Meetings

Your Sales iQ Nothing, not one thing happens in this economy until a sale is made. No raw materials are ordered, not one engine starts, and no services are performed until an order has been placed. Strong sales are the …

The Word Strategy

Will Rogers said “it aint so much the things we know that get us in trouble, it’s the things we know that aint so.” Truer words have never been spoken about one of the most abused words in our vocabulary. …

Un-commoditizing Insurance

What makes you better or different than your competition? Ask every agent that question and you’ll get the same answer. I’m not kidding. Don’t believe it? I’ve worked with hundreds of agencies & brokers in North America. The first question …

Pareto’s 80/20 Continued. Shrinking your book for growth

Pareto was right. The 80/20 rule works in insurance. If you applied the 80/20 rule to your book you’ve probably discovered that the top 20% of your clients generate 80% of your revenue. Now what do we do with this …