yuan News

Einhorn’s Greenlight Re May Gain $30.4M From China’s Currency Devaluation

With U.S. equities declining in the wake of China’s currency devaluation, hedge fund manager David Einhorn may be one of the few stock pickers to get a direct boost from the yuan’s sudden decline. Greenlight Capital Re Ltd., an insurer …

Negative Rates and Currency Wars: Commentary by James Saft

It may be better to think of the outbreak of negative interest rates as simply another weapon in an ongoing and global low-grade currency war. It’s not that negative interest rates – under which investors pay for the privilege of …

China to Expand Investment Options for Overseas Yuan Holdings

Chinese Vice-Premier Li Keqiang said China will soon allow foreign investors to buy mainland securities using yuan up to an initial quota of 20 billion yuan ($3.1 billion), a move aimed at promoting international use of the Chinese currency. Li …