zombie properties News

Ohio State Law Aims to Reduce ‘Zombie’ Vacant Properties

A new Ohio law is being viewed as a national model for eliminating zombies — zombie properties, that is. The measure that took effect on Sept. 28 speeds up foreclosures on vacant and abandoned properties, called zombies because they languish …

N.Y. Says 11 Lenders Will Monitor, Maintain Vacant Properties

New York regulators said Monday that 11 lenders have agreed to monitor and maintain vacant properties in an effort to protect them and combat neighborhood blight. The banks, mortgage companies and credit unions represent nearly 70 percent of the New …

More Than 300K Homes Are Foreclosed ‘Zombies’

A national survey found 301,874 “zombie” properties dotting the U.S. landscape in which homeowners in foreclosure have moved out, leaving vacant property susceptible to vandalism and degradation. Florida tops the list of zombie properties with 90,556 vacant homes in foreclosure, …