Canadian Insurers Hit with Lawsuit on Refusal to Pay COVID-19 Biz Income Claims

By | April 6, 2020

  • April 8, 2020 at 9:26 am
    CL PM says:
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    And once again, the attorneys will make all the money.

  • April 9, 2020 at 7:40 am
    Stush says:
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    IF the restaurant industry is suffering for not being able to conduct business, I understand their pain. but expecting coverage for what they didn’t pay for is their own fault. I worked in that industry for 15 years often in management and I can tell you that most do not offer insurance for their employees because they wouldn’t think of paying for it, not without hurting their bottom line. Do you honestly believe it is OK to expect what they don’t offer themselves? Restaurants pay low wages, no benefits and probably only carry insurance because they have to by law. Why should they expect coverage at all? they could have asked for a quote and maybe bought broaden coverage but I doubt insurance is part of their business model. It is only thing to pay to transfer risk, you just have to spell out what risk you are transferring and policy language is pretty clear on this. Some plaintiff’s attorney apparently is betting he can muck up the policy interpretation or finding a sympathetic court alleging “ambiguity” in the policy. Profits are the reason for going into business not altruism and that is why the industry neglected to protect itself. They are hoping for a settlement and payoff, not a payout and certainly not a verdict. They want it both ways but that’s not sustainable and carriers are right to resist bankruptcy.

    • April 22, 2020 at 7:59 am
      Christopher Michaud says:
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      What a ridiculous comment. So because you believe some restaurant owners are awful, none should receive a claim despite having that clause and being in good standing with their payments? What about the small mom n pop restaurants who treat their employees as family, look out for them, share in the tips, etc. Sounds like you worked for the wrong people for a very long time and are bitter.

  • April 22, 2020 at 10:36 pm
    John Andrews says:
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    This lawsuit isn’t going anywhere.
    Wasting everyones time, and giving false hope to business owners that this maybe covered.

  • May 17, 2020 at 8:53 pm
    Christine says:
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    Why have the extra coverage if insurance companies don’t pay….I keep reading that it would cost the insurance companies too much money. Well sorry! Why not give the restaurant owners back the money they paid in insurance for the years they paid into it!
    Think of what it has cost all these restaurants to close!!

  • July 9, 2020 at 7:44 pm
    David Chambers says:
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    This will take years to get through the courts and I can guarantee it will be in the Supreme Court of Canada some day. If insurance companies are required to pay there is going to be a substantial increase in everyone’s premium both commercial, personal lines, auto etc etc
    look forward to the courts interpretation.

  • February 1, 2021 at 2:31 pm
    Cheryl says:
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    Bmo has now assurant which they changed without my knowledge I have been deemed non essential since April…went barely back and now deemed again …have sent millions of forms in nothing they just keep sending me forms …what the point of paying all this insurance on credit cards and bank insurance if nothing is paid out…who are lawyers handling theses lawsuits

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