Latest Digital Marketing Headlines

All the headlines from our Digital Marketing Topic Page, ordered by recency.

Agents Chime In on Social Media

Jul 18 2011 // A recent poll on agents’ use of social media elicited a number of comments from agents: “Fairly recently, our agency began to embrace social media as a viable tool. We have coordinated FB...

Guidelines to Limit an Agency’s Risks in Social Media

Jul 18 2011 // Social media has become a powerful way for members of the insurance community to communicate with clients, prospects, referral sources, underwriters and colleagues. However, improper usage can result in serious...

Guidelines to Limit an Agency’s Risks in Social Media

Jun 14 2011 // Social media has become a powerful way for members of the insurance community to communicate with clients, prospects, referral sources, underwriters and colleagues. However, improper usage can result in serious...

Guidelines to Limit an Agency’s Risks in Social Media

Jun 6 2011 // Social media has become a powerful way for members of the insurance community to communicate with clients, prospects, referral sources, underwriters and colleagues. However, improper usage can result in serious...

Actuaries Urged to Get Involved in Insurers’ Social Media Strategies

Jun 3 2011 // Actuaries are being urged to lend their expertise as insurers get more involved in using social media tools to connect with policyholders and prospects, tools that are producing metrics ripe for expert analysis. Actuaries...

Disaster Plan Should Include Social Media, Says Hurricane Center

May 20 2011 // Nobody is going to push the “like” button for a hurricane, but the National Hurricane Center hopes to get some Facebook fans for its storm advisories. The hurricane center joined the online social network in...

Survey Shows Opportunity for Carriers to Support Agents in Social Media

May 16 2011 // The majority of agents and brokers say using social media is important for business, yet many report not using social media tools in their business today. Seven of 10 independent agents and brokers believe it is important...

Survey Shows Opportunity for Carriers to Support Agents in Social Media

Apr 14 2011 // The majority of agents and brokers say using social media is important for business, yet many report not using social media tools in their business today. Seven of 10 independent agents and brokers believe it is important...

Social Media Package Policy Provides Answer to New Exposures

Mar 7 2011 // Instant messaging, electronic newsletters, online gaming, discussion forums such as chat rooms and online dating Web sites just to name a few — these are the new ways we communicate and interact with one another. Social...

Monitor Liability Offers Social Media Endorsement for EPL

Feb 17 2011 // Monitor Liability Managers, LLC has introduced a new social media endorsement for its employment practices liability (EPL) insurance policies. The endorsement defines social media and workplace bullying, expands the...

Use Digital Marketing to Attract Smart Young Producers

Nov 14 2010 // Young Hires Serve as Both Teachers and Student In one way, today’s high unemployment rate is helpful in the agency business. It assists when it comes to recruiting new, youthful producers. There are tons of young,...

3 Imaginative Approaches to Agency Marketing in the Entertainment Age

Aug 16 2010 // GEICO, State Farm, Progressive, e-surance and other major insurance marketers currently employ humor in their advertising. There’s GEICO’s prolonged use of the gecko, State Farm’s Web site,...

Agency Marketing Must Move Online and Beyond Yellow Pages

Aug 16 2010 // Insurance agents could be more effective with their marketing efforts by incorporating online tools into their advertising strategy. After all, online resources often are free — and they’re a good way to build...

3 Imaginative Approaches to Agency Marketing in the Entertainment Age

Aug 16 2010 // Agents Must Employ Creative Insurance Marketing … or Else GEICO, State Farm, Progressive, e-surance and other major insurance marketers currently employ humor in their advertising. There’s GEICO’s...

Agency Marketing Must Move Online and Beyond

Aug 16 2010 // Insurance agents could be more effective with their marketing efforts by incorporating online tools into their advertising strategy. After all, online resources often are free – and they’re a good way to build...

The Growing Risks of Social Media

Jul 12 2010 // Asked why he robbed banks, Willie Sutton famously replied: “Because that’s where the money is.” Something similar can be said to explain why companies are paying more attention to social media these days...

How to Manage the Growing Risks of Social Media

Jul 5 2010 // Advertising, Defamation, Privacy and Security Laws All at Issue Asked why he robbed banks, Willie Sutton famously replied: “Because that’s where the money is.” Something similar can be said to explain why...

Agents Aren’t Quite Ready for the Social Media Revolution

Jun 7 2010 // LaRocco lamented that only 48 percent of independent insurance agents have Web sites, and of those, only about 20 percent keep the sites updated. The insurance industry is not as quick to adapt to change as other...

Agents Aren’t Quite Ready for the Social Media Revolution

May 17 2010 // The insurance industry is not as quick to adapt to change as other industries,” but independent insurance agents need to acknowledge that having “a Web presence is non-negotiable,” said Michael LaRocco,...

Agents Aren’t Quite Ready for the Social Media Revolution

May 3 2010 // The insurance industry is not as quick to adapt to change as other industries,” but independent insurance agents need to acknowledge that having “a Web presence is non-negotiable,” said Michael LaRocco,...