Who's Best TAM or X-Dimensional ??

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Post by jctwindad »

SandDog I understand your need to act quickly. If that is the case, I believe you will find AMS 360 or NexSure either to be your best choices. NexSure seems to have the inside edge from all I hear. My only concern there would be the fact that it is a new player, and although it has some strong investors, will they still be around 2-3 years from now. AMS 360 has a track record to stand on. I was going to look strongly at going from AMS Afw to 360 early next year. However, after learning about the bugs yet to be worked out, and limited number of users at this point I decided to wait. In the meantime, I learned about NexSure/XDimensional and I am going to check that out as well. But, I have put off a purchase decision until early 2007 as a result of the current problems both players continue to be working on. Good Luck! 8)
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Post by sanddog »

Thank you again, I must say a tough decision. If it helps there are several agencies in our cluster that are moving from TAM to XD. That's why I have been trying to learn as much as I can before jumping. :roll:
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