Zurich mono line Work Comp

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Zurich mono line Work Comp

Post by sanddog1 »

I just found out that Zurich is now writing mono line work comp in CA. Unfortunately there BOP program really doesn't offer much in CA, so there Work Comp will be very limited as well. Not sure about pricing. I forgot to check on there middle market. Mono line work comp program, if any one knows whether or not we can do a stand alone please advise
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Re: Zurich mono line Work Comp

Post by InsAgentSF »

I never knew they write Workers Comp :)
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Post by sanddog1 »

Hoch InsagentSF I know your kidded"¦..right? Zurich who is one of the largest carriers in the world. And owns farmers ins, its to bad they are not allowed to write to their own parent company. Hum I wonder why?
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Post by InsAgentSF »

Oh well we learn something new everyday. That's why we have you buddy :)
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Post by sanddog1 »

NO that's why we have we to ask questions. Sorry i can be a wana-be know it all. I have been in this business so long it hurts at times. :roll:


Post by MAG »

Zurich has recently came out with monoline WC in Virginia also. They are also writing monoline auto, even for contractors. And, according to our marketing rep, they are modeling their new monline auto similar to Progressive's approach, they are rating each individual driver based on their own MVR which is very new in commercial auto insurance. Most standard commercial auto insurers underwrite a risk based on class of business, vehicles, use, etc. If there is a "bad" driver, that driver is not added to the policy or if he/she is added, the u/w may consider non-renewal due to unsatisfactory MVRs of insured drivers, etc. We haven't quoted a Zurich monoline auto yet, but I am anxious to see how it stacks up. Traditionally, Zurich has not been a competitive commercial auto carrier in this region.
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Post by sanddog1 »

Hey that's good news for outside of CA. Zurich BOP and WC markets are a very limited markets here in CA. I don't use them much anymore; apparently CA is toooooooo much for ONE of the largest carrier in the world to handle. it's SAD are other carriers are very profitable.
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Monoline... what's the significance?

Post by darnovak »

Do I understand this correctly. Until recently, all you could get was a multiline policy (package or BOP) that included a Workers Comp line, but now Zurich will write a monoline WC policy. So what's the big deal ? I would be more concerned with their eligibility guidelines demanding support of some type. NY has mandated that WC be monoline for as long as I can remember (35 years). Trick is to find a good P&C carrier that will write WC unsupported (chortle), but even these are still pretty picky.
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Post by InsAgentSF »

To my knowledge Zurich's BOPs are always more expensive then Hartford or Safeco and they don't give you any special coverage
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Post by sanddog1 »

Californian we have it both ways and monoline is easy to place. If you want a carrier to do a PKG and WC, that can be tough depending on the class. Zurich in CA has been for the most part a pkg only carrier in the BOP market. And they are not very competitive. Maybe opening up a mono line class will help.

Zurich Workers' Comp

Post by MAG »

I talked to our Zurich marketing agent just last weekabout this monline WC issue. Zurich is indeed offering monoline WC and monoline Auto in Virginia. The monoline WC is not offered for Contractors but most other classes of business are acceptable. I haven't quoted one yet but am anxious to see where they line up in the market.
Zurich can be very competitive with their BOP, depending on the class, which can be said for most all companies. They BOP policies have a lot of throw-in coverages. The auto has traditionally not been very competitive in Virginia but they are changing the rating structure to hopefully make it more competitive.
Not every company is going to be the most competitive for every line of business nor every class. Each carrier has their "niche".
There are very few carriers out there that will offer monoline WC for any class of business. We only have two standard markets right now they offer monoline WC, Zurich is now the third.
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Post by sanddog1 »

MAG, I am sure in Virginia they're good for you guys. And like I said here Calif, Zurich is not very competitive in the BOP market. There classes are limited to the same classes that every carrier writes as filler classes. In another words they do not go after anything special and offer a BOP. NO Restaurants', NO auto repair, NO auto service of any type. NO Habitational, apt, condo, motel, hotel and more. I could go on and on. So there work comp classes are the same. We have ton's of mono line carriers out here. We almost drop Zurich from our group as they don't offer anything of interested.
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Zurich Monoline WC Program

Post by mmathews »

Cypress Point-Arrowhead offers a monoline Work Comp product written on Zurich paper. Targeting mainsteet accounts $5K - $75K, this product offers competitive rates and commissions with Zurich claims handling. Call 866-401-2111 for details or email marketing@cypresspoint-arrowhead.com
Mike Mathews
V.P. Marketing
Cypress Point-Arrowhead General Ins. Agency
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Zurich monoline work comp

Post by VAinsurance »

Zurich does write monoline workers comp and monoline auto for contractors, but only in small business. From what I've seen, they're pretty agressive in VA. They have like 250 classes that they will write work comp on, even for larger accounts that don't typically fit the BOP program as long as it is one of the classes on the list. Also, they are paying 12% commission which is makes it worthwhile moving business that fits.
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