hired auto liab and phy damage

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hired auto liab and phy damage

Post by whansen9 »

I have a decent sized account that has about 75 salesmen that utilize rental cars to the tune of about $25,000 per month in rental fees. For now, I have been advising them to buy the supplemental liability and CDW since I have not been able to get primary coverage anywhere. The Comm auto carrier won't add symbol 8 and won't add hired auto physical damage either. I have tried many markets but can't seem to get anyone to even look at this. I don't understand the problem. I can give all the info on the drivers and can turn in monthly rental sheets showing the activity. Does anybody know of a market that might want to cover something like this? Any help is appreciated.

Thank you.
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Re: hired auto liab and phy damage

Post by fseigel »

Assuming that there are no unusual risks associated with your account, other than the Hired Car issue, I'd seriously consider changing carriers.

If not an option, then try Sunderland Insurance Services in Walnut Creek, CA. They write NOA on courier services, and pizza delivery risks, and they may (note "may") consider this. They can be reached at 925-942-4020 and ask for Holly. OK to use my name. They usually have an SIR, but it could be as low as $2,500 for Liability.

If Sunderland won't or can't do the Physical Damage, I'm pretty sure that your local wholesaler can send it to Lloyd's for a quote. With hired car costs of $300,000 a year, if loss free, that should be a decent enough premium for London.

Good luck!

Frank Seigel
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Re: hired auto liab and phy damage

Post by whansen9 »

Thanks for the info Frank. I will give them a call.
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Re: hired auto liab and phy damage

Post by LDuncan »

I think we may able to assist you. We specialized in commercial transportation risks and are able to offer H&NO, liability and physical damage. I attempted to send you a private response last Friday, but I'm not sure if you received it. If you are interested, please give me a call.

Lee Duncan
Innovative Insurance Solutions, Inc.
(775) 782-6663
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