Pennsylvania Jury Gives $2.2M to Estate of DUI Crash Victim

August 28, 2008

A jury has awarded more than $2 million to the survivors of a central Pennsylvania man killed by a drunken driver four years ago.

But a lawyer for Jack Hynen’s estate says he doubts the award will ever be collected.

The verdict issued Tuesday went against Melissa Cummings of Pittsburgh, who ran a red light after leaving a Harrisburg bar. Tests showed her alcohol level was nearly three times the legal limit.

The other defendants were the club, its manager and the bartender. The club wasn’t insured.

Hynen and his companion were loading dogs into their car when he was struck. The impact severed the 55-year-old man’s legs.

Cummings was recently paroled after serving a state prison sentence.


Information from: The Patriot-News

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