Aon Benfield Broadens Academic, Industry Research Collaboration

May 20, 2010

Aon Benfield announced that it is “broadening its capabilities and bringing together its academic and industry research relationships under one banner – Aon Benfield Research.” Aon said the team will deliver “relevant research material and help re/insurers enhance their understanding and management of risks. The launch of this new strategy will be marked with Aon Benfield Research Month in June.

“The new collaboration combines world class research with Aon Benfield’s industry-leading catastrophe modeling, actuarial analysis and broking expertise.”

Global relationships include the following companies and institutions: Aon Benfield UCL Hazard Research Centre, Aon Benfield Hazard Centre in Pretoria, ClimateWise, ETH Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Eurotempest, GFZ Potsdam, HR Wallingford, Lighthill Risk Network, NTU Singapore’s Institute of Catastrophe Risk Management, Risk Frontiers, Spurr Consulting, Tropical Storm Risk and University of Western Ontario.

“Aon Benfield Research Month in June will “showcase the expertise of a selection of research partners within the program, looking at volcanoes, earthquakes and hurricanes,” said the bulletin.”The research reports will combine analysis from Aon Benfield’s catastrophe management, Impact Forecasting and broking teams to help interpret and apply the research to (re)insurers, in terms of quantifying the potential impact to their balance sheets. The inaugural event ‘The science behind hurricanes, earthquakes and other natural perils’* on 15 June will feature a presentation by Professor Bill McGuire from Aon Benfield UCL Hazard Research Centre.”

John Moore, Head of International Analytics at Aon Benfield, noted: “Since 1996 we have built strong links with leading institutions and are excited about our enhancing our long term commitment to the industry and academics. Organizing and enhancing the global partnerships under one umbrella will enable us to achieve our key objectives of delivering relevant and regular research to clients and the insurance and reinsurance industry as a whole, while supporting academic research and funding by demonstrating its benefits to business.”

Dominic Christian, co-CEO of Aon Benfield, added: “The goal of our further investment and enhanced co-ordination is to enable (re)insurers, their clients, governments and non-governmental organizations to protect and advance themselves in the face of natural hazard and socio-economic risks.”

Aon Benfield Research, which has just launched its market security portal, MarketReView, will continue to provide market analysis and reinsurer financials through regular publications such as the Lloyd’s Update and the Aon Benfield Aggregate.

Source: Aon Benfield

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