Senate Committee Passes Dodd-Frank Relief Bill Without Democrats

By and | May 22, 2015

A bill to ease regulations across the U.S. financial sector passed a Senate committee on Thursday with no support from Democrats, in a setback to the largest overhaul of 2010 banking reforms since the rules were put in place.

The Senate Banking Committee cleared the Financial Regulatory Improvement Act of 2015 with all 12 Republicans voting in favor, and all 10 Democrats voting against.

Wall Street dodged a tough provision as Republican Senator David Vitter withdrew two amendments, one of which included a minimum 10 percent equity capital-to-asset ratio for banks with assets of more than $500 billion.

Vitter also did not offer up a bill he co-sponsored with Democrat Elizabeth Warren, which takes aim at Wall Street by curbing the Federal Reserve’s emergency lending ability.

The relief bill, crafted by Committee Chairman Richard Shelby and his staff, is mainly focused on easing regulatory burdens on small financial institutions. Ranking Democrat Sherrod Brown has called it “a sprawling industry wish list of Dodd-Frank rollbacks,” referring to the 2010 Wall Street Reform Act.

The bill also aims to enforce greater transparency for the Fed and other financial regulators.

Shelby, an Alabama Republican, must now exercise his dealmaking skills, with aides and analysts saying he needs votes from at least three Democrats on the committee to bring the bill to the Senate floor.

That challenge looked tougher on Thursday, with moderate Democrat Mark Warner of Virginia railing against the bill process, and strongly backing Brown.

“We continue to believe there is ample room for both sides to come together,” said Bipartisan Policy Council Director Aaron Klein, expressing disappointment with the partisan vote.

One of the proposals is for the Fed to evaluate bank holding companies with assets of $50 billion to $500 billion for enhanced capital and stress test requirements. That would be a significant change to Dodd-Frank, which requires banks bigger than $50 billion to be subject to that level of supervision.

Bank of New York Mellon Corp., PNC Financial Services Inc, and State Street are among the banks that could benefit from the higher threshold.

Brown signaled a willingness to negotiate the new threshold, saying he agreed not all banks above $50 billion needed to be regulated like big banks. His alternative bill was voted down by the committee on Thursday.

Democrat Joe Donnelly voted in favor of two of Thursday’s Republican amendments, the only Democrat to do so.

[Insurance Sections

[The insurance sections of the Senate’s Financial Regulatory Improvement Act of 2015 include a provision affirming that state regulation under the McCarran-Ferguson Act is the “preferred approach” to regulating insurance.

In terms of international insurance capital standards and regulation, the bill instructs Congress that the Federal Reserve, the Federal Insurance Office and state insurance regulators “should develop consensus positions in international discussions” on capital standards for insurers and “increase transparency” in those discussions. It also establishes an advisory committee on insurance matters at the Federal Reserve. It further establishes reporting and testimony timelines for the Federal Reserve, the Treasury and state insurance regulators (if they so choose) with regard to such international discussions.]

The legislation also includes language supported by the Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers of America (Big “I”) that ensures that insurance assets intended for the benefit of consumers cannot be raided for any other purposes other than protecting policyholders.]

(Reporting by Michael Flaherty and Sarah Lynch; Editing by Richard Chang)


Below find both a discussion draft of the Financial Regulatory Improvement Act of 2015 and section-by-section summaries.

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  • June 10, 2015 at 5:52 pm
    Agent says:
    Rosenblatt, Republicans see a bill or law that is wrong at face value and they vote against it. It just so happens that Obama and minions keep trying to run bad bills and the... read more
  • June 5, 2015 at 5:40 pm
    Agent says:
    Scott, if you recall recent history when Obamacare was introduced and to be voted on, there were some Democrats that had reservations including the now extinct Blue Dogs. Pel... read more
  • June 4, 2015 at 10:13 am
    Agent says:
    Hey Ron, your President is proposing the wrong things, that is why Republicans oppose him and stop him from damaging the country further. Hasn't the past 6 years taught you a... read more

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