The Results Are In: How NFL QBs/Insurance Salesmen Mahomes, Rodgers, Mayfield Rate

January 25, 2021

Last week, Insurance Journal polled football fans, asking them to compare three NFL quarterbacks who also appear in insurance TV ads. The poll asked readers to rate Green Bay Packers future Hall-of-Famer QB Aaron Rodgers who sells for State Farm; Kansas City Chiefs phenom QB Patrick Mahomes who also sells for State Farm; and Cleveland Browns rising star QB Baker Mayfield who sells for Progressive. Readers were asked to rate them not only as QBs but also as insurance salesmen.

Here is the article that ran last week with the poll: How do NFL QBs Rodgers, Mahomes and Mayfield Rate as Insurance Salesmen?

The results are in.

The three-question poll results were compiled before the start of the Sunday games that determined the two teams (Tampa Bay and Kansas City) and the quarterbacks (Tom Brady and Patrick Mahomes) that would make it to the Super Bowl.

So how did readers rate them?

Insurance Journal poll results from 291 readers indicate that young Mahomes (45%) scurried past veteran Rodgers (37%) as the best QB of the three insurance pitchmen.

It may not be much consolation for Baker Mayfield (39%), whose Cleveland Browns team was eliminated in an earlier playoff round, but readers by a very close margin consider him the best insurance salesman of the three QBs.

Finally, readers had their crystal balls in working order as they said they expected to see Mahomes in the Super Bowl. As it turns out, Mahomes will in fact be the QB/insurance salesman in the Super Bowl this year, as he was last year. The other team in the Super Bowl, Tampa Bay Buccaneers, will be led by QB Tom Brady, who has also previously been to the Super Bowl… nine times. Brady does not, however, sell insurance on television and thus was not included in the Insurance Journal poll.

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