Insurance Council of Texas Offers Tips for Hurricane Preparation

June 3, 2024

With June marking the start of 2024 Atlantic Hurricane Season, the Insurance Council of Texas (ICT) is reminding residents of steps to take to prepare for hurricanes.

The National Oceanic and Atmosphere Administration (NOAA) has predicted an above-average hurricane season with up to 25 named storms. Accuweather forecasters also predict an active hurricane season and say that Texas as well as parts of Florida and the Carolinas faces heightened risks.

Here are tips from ICT for hurricane preparation:

  • Review Your Insurance Policy: Ensure your homeowners, renters, or business insurance policies are up to date. Understand what is covered and consider adding flood insurance, as standard policies typically do not cover flood damage and have a 30-day waiting period.
  • Create an Emergency Plan: Develop a family emergency plan that includes evacuation routes, communication methods, and a designated meeting place. Ensure all family members are familiar with the plan.
  • Build an Emergency Kit: Assemble a disaster supply kit with essentials such as water, non-perishable food, medications, flashlights, batteries, and important documents. Don’t forget supplies for pets.
  • Secure Your Property: Inspect your home for potential vulnerabilities. Trim trees and shrubs, secure loose items, and reinforce windows and doors. Consider installing storm shutters or boarding up windows if a storm is approaching.
  • Stay Informed: Monitor local news and weather reports for updates on storm developments. Sign up for emergency alerts from local authorities and media outlets.
  • Document Your Belongings: Create a home inventory of your possessions, including photos and descriptions. This will help streamline the claims process if you need to file a claim.
  • Back-Up Important Data: Protect your digital assets by backing up important data, documents, and photographs to cloud storage or an external hard drive. This ensures valuable information is not lost in the event of severe weather or damage to your electronic devices.

Topics Catastrophe Natural Disasters Texas Hurricane

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