Latest Customer Experience Headlines

All the headlines from our Customer Experience Topic Page, ordered by recency.

NAII Survey Reveals Insurers Use Internet to Enhance Customer Service

May 25 2001 // According to the results of a recent study, property/casualty insurers are no longer using the Internet to simply provide information to customers and prospective policyholders, they are using the web to offer clients and...

How Agents Won on the Web, Four Web Venture Profiles

May 14 2001 // A century ago, agents found customers where they gathered—at church, their place of business or the local watering hole downtown. This marketing strategy still works today—only now many agents are going through...

Successful e-Marketing, Using Cutting-Edge Technology to Keep Customers Happy

Apr 16 2001 // Depending on how you felt about e-commerce before, current events in the tech world can inspire emotions ranging anywhere from despair to gloating. But before you decide that it’s perhaps a good time to stay away...

Successful E-Marketing: Using Cutting-Edge Technology To Keep Customers Happy

Apr 9 2001 // Depending on how you felt about e-commerce before, current events in the tech world can inspire emotions ranging anywhere from despair to gloating. But before you decide that it’s perhaps a good time to stay away...

How Do You Plan to Use the Surplus Line Market in 2001′ Readers Respond

Jan 29 2001 // In the Sept. 4, 2000, issue of Insurance Journal we ran a one-page survey in hopes of finding out how you, our readers, plan on using the surplus line market in 2001. Four of the 32 respondents returned the form via fax,...

What I’ve Learned from Y2K: It’s All About Keeping Your Customers Happy

Dec 25 2000 // The year 2000 was an interesting year. And if we mix our own lives in with the news events of this past year, it started and ended with a bang. Think about it, we were huddled in our shelters waiting for Y2K to bring...

Bad Service Means Lost Business for Banks, Insurers, Others

Aug 25 2000 // Bank customers tired of bad service are closing their accounts according to a new survey. More than 60 percent of consumers polled by software company Mobius Management Systems Inc. said they have cancelled bank accounts...