2020 The Mutual Factor


This new report, produced by NAMIC and AON, evaluated nearly 30 performance metrics for mutual insurance companies in 2019 compared to other insurer categories and assessed the impact of ratings agency criteria on mutuals. In recognition of the unparalleled circumstances facing the insurance industry as the result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the new Mutual Factor report also analyzed performance metrics for the first two quarters of 2020 and looked at how thought leaders perceive the mutual industry. The study includes a comprehensive analysis of the performance of more than 600 insurers under AM Best’s Credit Rating Methodology framework.

The Mutual Factor report also surveyed 22 industry executives across the country from mutual insurance companies reflecting different sizes and lines of business to gain perspective on what challenges the industry currently faces and will face in the future.

We thank NAMIC for sharing this comprehensive report with our audience.

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